Sunday, November 4, 2012

Disturbing: Dr. House Got Me Thinking About Sedation Dentistry

Last night, I was watching the season ender of Dr. House Season 6, and there was a scene there which really distrubed and haunted me. You see, House crept under the ruins of a crash site to rescue a woman whose feet were trapped under the rubble. Being the "changed" man that he is, he was so concerned with the lady that he did everything he could to save her life.

 After 4 hours of drilling through the rubble to free the lady's feet, the firemen finally gave up and recommended amputation of the limb to prevent further damage to the entire body and a possible complication which could lead to death. After a long fight with the authorities, House finally gave in and agreed to do the amputation himself.

Only this: he had to perform the amputation without any anaesthesia or without putting the patient to sleep! It was a rescue situation and they had to cut the leg as soon as possible! House warned the lady.."this will hurt like nothing you've ever experienced before", and then he took a scalpel, cut the skin on top of the foot bone, and then drilled through it with a power saw! The woman screamed and wailed in pain. It was a haunting moment. (Later on, she sadly died due to a fat embolism).

...This scene in Doctor House got me thinking about sedation dentistry as well. What if...dentists stop using anesthesia while operating on people's teeth? What if..they simply drill down through our mouths without injecting us of novocaine or other similar substances? Prett scary if you ask me!

The good news though, is that in real life, dentists are able to keep our dental sessions as pain free as possible. Thanks to sleep sedation dentistry Sydney clinics, we can now get our teeth pulled or fixed without feeling anything, and even while asleep!

~End of Post~

P.S: If you're looking for a real life Dr. House in terms of skills and expertise in his medical field, consult with Dr. Michael Walker of Australia. He runs a dental surgery clinic in Sydney and can actually perform pain free treatments for teeth problems.