Monday, April 15, 2013

Dental Surgery: The Different Types

At some point in your life, it might be necessary for you to undergo dental surgery. Before undergoing such kind of surgery, it is best to know the different kinds of procedures that are performed by a dental practitioner on your teeth. This will help you gain a thorough idea of what to expect before you actually get to the clinic.

Endodontic Surgery

This type of surgery involves any type of surgical procedure performed on the pulp (or root) of a person’s tooth. For example, in root canal therapy, the dentist opens up the pulp chamber of the tooth to drain pus, liquids, acidic formations from food particles, and other agents that cause tooth decay. Another endodontic process involves the removal of the pulp from the pulp chamber to ease pain for a temporary period of time. 

Prosthodontic Surgery

This involves the creation, fitting and wearing of artificial dental pieces to correct a person’s teeth problems. Some examples of prosthodontics include crowns, bridges, dentures and veneers. Prosthodontic surgery is usually done on people who have taken considerable dental damage that cannot be corrected anymore by conventional surgery.
In many cases, a dental implant such as titanium is inserted surgically in the dental bone (also called the mandible or maxilla). After a successful operation, the tooth is allowed to heal for a considerable length of time. Sometimes it takes up to six months for a tooth to fully heal from a titanium implant.

Orthodontic Surgery

Some of the procedures that fall under the orthodontic category are tooth extraction and wisdom teeth removal using sedatives. Other processes include apiectomy and fiberotomy.

Depending on the type of dental problem you have or the extent of the damage and decay on your tooth, a professional dental care practitioner may recommend various alternatives for tooth surgery. It is important that you listen carefully to what your dentist is recommending and trust his or her professional judgment. Try to overcome your fear and think of the dental process in an objective manner. 

If you are looking for sleep sedation dentistry clinics in Sydney, visit MPW Dentistry, Sydney's leading dental surgery clinic: